Divided Allegiance
Author: Elizabeth Moon
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Deed of Paksenarrion (2nd of 3 books)
It is over six years since I read the first book is this trilogy (this I know because of a book review for my English class). It took me six years to get my ass over to the library and borrow the second part. And I am sure it will take me another six years before I finish the trilogy.
E v e r y t h i n g t a k e s s u c h a l o n g t i m e . . . The book is a million pages long and NOTHING happens.They talk and they talk and there are flashbacks to the first book and page after page explaining what happened in the first book in case you missed it and the main character is stuck in this unnecessary little village for FOREVER and then she t r a v e l s and then they talk some more and hey, neato, another flashback!
Genre: Fantasy
Series: The Deed of Paksenarrion (2nd of 3 books)
It is over six years since I read the first book is this trilogy (this I know because of a book review for my English class). It took me six years to get my ass over to the library and borrow the second part. And I am sure it will take me another six years before I finish the trilogy.
E v e r y t h i n g t a k e s s u c h a l o n g t i m e . . . The book is a million pages long and NOTHING happens.They talk and they talk and there are flashbacks to the first book and page after page explaining what happened in the first book in case you missed it and the main character is stuck in this unnecessary little village for FOREVER and then she t r a v e l s and then they talk some more and hey, neato, another flashback!